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The Benefits of Barre

Updated: Jun 2, 2021

Barre is one of the biggest current trends in the fitness industry. Whether you are a ballerina or a beginner, this total body workout engages your physical being, as well as your mind to create a cohesive routine.

While barre and pilates are often compared, Barre tends to be a higher energy class with repetitive movements. The fun music coupled with our certified trainers lead to an amazing workout that hardly feels like work!

“Ultimately, a mental and physical connection is the goal of every class—how can you better attend to your body’s cues and needs in a way that helps you go one inch deeper than you did yesterday.”

The Benefits of a Barre Workout

According to Barre improves posture, strengthen glutes, tones stomach muscles, increases flexibility, reduces stress, and creates better mental focus.

To work on all of these aspects and more, try out a class today!

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